dbx 163X OverEasy Compressors, Sequential Serials, set #22 (Refurbished & Recapped)


A pair of great-sounding, colour compressors from dbx. They have high-impedance DI inputs which are great for use with bass guitar

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Refurbished & Recapped: These 163Xs have been modified & recapped with high-value bipolar capacitors in the audio path and an upgraded power supply with much larger reservoir caps. The results are remarkable

The basic character of the 163X remains intact but the operating window (the range within which the compressor sounds at its best) is much larger and the overall sound is much cleaner. The difference between this and a standard 163X is not subtle – it’s a big change

In remarkably good condition for vintage kit. These 163Xs have minimal marks and scuffs and are supplied with original rack ears. The units do not link to each other. A rack tray would be a good way of mounting them, or they could be stacked on top of other rack devices

Photos show the compressors for sale

“Like I said, it rocks when your re-compressing a track. If I’m looking for the pumping effect, then this is the box!”

“HELL YES they are more than worthwhile. I think they are wonderful. They are aggressive and not great on every sound of course, but they usually sound great, especially on drums and vocals”

“Always loved that thing on bass. It thwacky (strong attack, not expansive like an 1176) sounding on drums, but it’s still cool. Works nice on vocals too”

This is a pair of vintage compressors from dbx. They have sequential serial numbers, match well as a stereo pair and will come with a stereo link cable

The 163X is a 1/2U single-channel “Over Easy” compressor which can be linked with a second unit to make a stereo compressor. It has an additional high-impedance (Hi-Z) input on the front panel ideal for use as a DI (direct injection) input. The Over-Easy is a favourite with bass guitarists for this reason – it has a dedicated high impedance DI input and is one of the best bass compressors around. The DI input has a level trim on the back panel

dbx describes the 163X as “the Simplest Compressor in the World”. The instructions say to match the output level with the input level using the gain trim, then to push the slider over to whatever level of compression is desired

What the manual doesn’t say is that this is a great-sounding compressor with a big, dirty, squashy sound. The 163X is the polar opposite of a modern, bland VCA compressor. The 163X is what the Americans call a “Color” piece – it certainly colours the sound and is superb for bass guitar, electric guitar or keyboards. The 163X is also ideal for adding character as a parallel compressor

On test, I found the 163X to be quite addictive – it’s as close to a “Universal Improver” box as I’ve ever found. It adds colour that is hard to replicate and is simplicity itself to use. I’d like to try using it in parallel with a clean signal or a second compressor to see what can be achieved – I think it’d be amazing

Inputs & outputs are on jack sockets, stereo strapping on jacks plus a master / slave switch on each unit. The high-impedance (Hi-Z) DI input is on a front-panel jack with a gain trim on the back panel. Mains input is switchable 120/240 Volts and the unit has a captive 2-core mains lead with a new UK power plug fused at 3 Amps

These 163X has been modified & recapped with high-value bipolar capacitors in the audio path and an upgraded power supply. The basic character of the 163X remains intact but the operating window (the range within which the compressor sounds at its best) is much larger and the overall sound in much cleaner. The difference between this and a standard 163X is not subtle - it's a big change

Standard 19" 1/2U devices suitable for mounting side-by-side in a 19" rack. The units do not rigidly link to each other. A rack tray would be a good way of mounting them, or they could be stacked on top of other rack devices

Switchable 120 / 240 Volt with captive power cables & new UK power plugs

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1/2 U

Refurbished & Recapped: These 163X has been modified & recapped with high-value bipolar capacitors in the audio path and upgraded power supplies with much larger reservoir caps. The results are remarkable

The basic character of the 163X remains intact but the operating window (the range within which the compressor sounds at its best) is much larger and the overall sound is much cleaner. The difference between this and a standard 163X is not subtle - it's a big change

In remarkably good condition for vintage kit. These 163Xs have minimal marks and scuffs and are supplied with original rack ears. The units do not link rigidly to each other but there is a link between the cases at the rear. A rack tray would be a good way of mounting them, or they could be stacked on top of other rack devices

Photos show the compressors for sale