
The studio is a hybrid digital / analogue setup using the best of vintage outboard with the latest digital technology. Centrepiece of the studio is the SSL Nucleus console and main monitors are Neumann active speakers

Solid State Logic Nucleus Console
Pro Tools 11
Logic Pro X
Duende Plugins
RME Fireface 800 convertor x 2
Sonnet Fusion 3-Bay hard drive

Outboard EQ
MOOG MKPE Parametric EQ x 2
Stereo Pultec EQP-1A
Studer 169 stereo EQ
Neumann stereo EQ
UREI 535 Dual Graphic EQ
MXR 31-band graphic EQ x 2
White 4100A 10-band inductor-based stereo EQ
dbx 120A Subharmonic Synthesiser

Outboard Compressors
Empirical Labs Distressor EL8X x 2
Orban 424A stereo compressor
Orban 418A Stereo Limiter
SSL stereo bus compressor
NTP 175-500A compressor x 2
Valley People Dynamite stereo compressor
MXR stereo limiter
DLA-2A stereo valve compressor
Anthony Demaria ADL-1000 Compressor
dbx 160XT compressor x 2
dbx 163X Over-Easy compressor x 2 (recapped & updated)
dbx 903 Compressor x 2
Inovonics 201 Compressor / Limiter

Toy Box
Electrix Warp Factory Vocoder
Korg DVP-1 Vocoder
Antares ATR-1 Autotune Intonation Processor
Roland Super JV-1080 synth & expansion boards
Dolby 362 Stereo Dolby A processor

Toy Box – Chorus Pedals
Locobox PH-01 Phaser
Boss RCE-10 Stereo Chorus Ensemble
Rocktek CHR-01 chorus
Arion SFL-1 Stereo Flanger

Outboard Effects & Reverbs
TC Electronic M-One XL

MOOG Voyager RME
Novation Supernova
Waldorf 2-Pole Filter
Waldorf Streichfett
Roland MKB200 mother keyboard

Neumann KH120A active monitors + Neumann KH805 subwoofer
B&W 601 Series 2 + Yamaha PC1602 power amplifier