Maplin EC-444 Analog Delay #2


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Analog BBD (Bucket Brigade Delay) delay line. Like many early analog delays, the EC-444 was sold under various names including Better, Maplin, Sargent and Echorder

The EC-444 is a neat, great-sounding analog delay with simple controls. Maximum delay is fairly short but it has the typical BBD delay sound and sounds great with feedback

For longer delays, put it in series with a clean digital delay and feed back from the end of the chain – analog delay sound with digital delay long delay times…

“Pure, dirty analog delay. The Maplin Echorder is a low-fi but spectacular analog delay unit which is a breath of fresh air in today’s ultra clean digital effect days.”

“The sound cannot be imitated digitally, so these analogue effects are so highly sought after”

Check the Links tab for some great Youtube demos

Photos show the EC-444 for sale

BBD delay line with adjustable feedback. Fairly lo-fi but has the great BBD sound. 220V with UK plug
Desktop unit

Youtube / Facebook / Soundcloud demos
In very good vintage condition with minimal marks. All original bar the knobs which look to have been changed at some point. 220 V for UK / EU Tested & working 100%. Photos show the EC-444 for sale