The Yamaha SPX90 is the first rackmount FX unit to achieve world dominance. Prior to the SPX90, racks contained nothing but expensive gear that did one or two effects but, post-SPX, everyone could afford a multi-fx unit – so everyone bought one. The SPX90 II was a quick update to the original with longer delay times
The SPX was, and still is, a great little fx unit. It has a selection of very usable plates & halls plus gated reverb, early reflection reverb programs and delays. It also has a number of fairly basic pitch change presets plus panning, vibrato, parametric EQ and a compressor. Of these, the reverbs (halls, plates, rooms) are the most useful. But the best bit of the SPX90 is the wide selection of chorus / flanger / phaser effects on offer, particularly Symphonic
Symphonic is a great, deep chorus effect like a Dimension D on steroids. It can be subtle, like a Dimension D, or tweaked to create an over-the-top chorus with lots of pitch changing. It’s great for widening synth basses, warming up the low end of tracks, adding movement to a Rhodes patch or thickening acoustic guitars
If you don’t like Symphonic, there are Phaser, Flanger, Tremelo and other time-based effects, all of which are easily editable
Firing up an SPX90 some thirty years later it’s intriguing to find that it sounds as good as ever, with a warm, wide sound full of character. Early outboard gear and effects are much in demand at the moment and – on the evidence of the SPX90 – it’s easy to see why
In good condition for a vintage SPX90. The unit has some rack rash and the left-hand rack ear has a slight wobble but the front panel is good. The case has been repainted and looks very tidy. Photos show an SPX 90 sold previously
Q “Where can I hear a Yamaha SPX 90 ???”
A “The SPX 90 sounds like the 80s…”
“The magic of the SPX is the “symphonic” program. It’s like a super duper widening, detuning chorus kind of effect”
“I bought a unit for pitch shift c algorithm………. (and yes i also own the h3000se). This preset alone is worth the little bit of $$$ imo”
“I have three. But I only use them for Pitch Shift C, -8/+ 8 cents. My favorite chorus. It’s my guitar chorus”
“Amazing little boxes. Almost 15 or 20 years old [more like 30 now…] & all that 12-bit glory has NEVER been duplicated exactly”