If you’ve ever owned or played a Minimoog you’ll appreciate what an icon it is. The great interface, tactile knobs and expressive sound created a winning combination – and it’s as influential now as it was fifty years ago
I have a selection of Moog monosynths that draw on the architecture & heritage of the Minimoog. They’re all different, all useful and – crucially – all have the great Moog filter & sound
- Moog Voyager RME #2
- Moog Voyager VX-351 & VX-352 CV / Gate Interfaces
- Moog Sub Phatty #3
- Moog Slim Phatty #7
- Moog Slim Phatty #8
- Moog Minitaur
- Moog Sirin
- Moog Minifooger MF Delay
- Moog Minifooger MF Flange